The BIBSYS Context Set (version 1.0)

The BIBSYS context set includes all indexes used in BIBSYS Ask - Special search
The URI for this context set is:
The recommended short name is: bibsys


A complete list of indexes appears in BIBSYS Ask - Special search.

A selection of indexes is included in the explain service from The BIBSYS SRU server. (The server does however support the full context set).


No relations are defined for this context set.

Relation modifiers

No relation modifiers are defined for this context set.

Relation qualifiers

No relation qualifiers are defined for this context set.

Boolean modifiers

No boolean modifiers are defined for this context set.


There is in this version a considerable overlap with indexes from other context sets, like dc and norzig. It is expected that in a future version duplicates will be removed if possible. We are however waiting for the appearance of the bib context set and perhaps a revised version of the norzig context set.

2007-11-09 : Ole Husby, BIBSYS